Adherent Cell Lines | Esco VacciXcell

Adherent Cell Lines

Vero in BioNOC™ II macrocarriers
Cell Lines Description Existing Customers / Case Sources
BHK or Baby Hamster Kidney cells are anchorage-dependent cells, originally derived from a 1-day old Syrian golden hamster. BHK-21 cells have been shown to be an efficient system for the production of rabies vaccine for human use, for which Esco VacciXcell’s tide motion principle is currently being used as a production system. Aside from this, Esco VacciXcell’s tide motion system has been also been shown to successfully produce virus-like particles expressed in BHK-21 cell lines through transfection by recombinant baculoviruses. Chen, Y., Wu, J., Wang, K., Chiang, Y., Lai, C., Chung, Y., & Hu, Y. (n.d.). Baculovirus-mediated production of HDV-like particles in BHK cells using a novel oscillating bioreactor. Journal of Biotechnology, 135-147.
CHO cells are anchorage-dependent cells, originally derived from the ovary of a female Cricetulus griseus or Chinese hamster. The CHO cell line has been widely used for the expression of different recombinant proteins. Esco VacciXcell’s tide motion bioreactor system has exhibited success in the expression of recombinant proteins, human growth hormones, and monoclonal antibodies from recombinant CHO cells.

Asaoka, Y., Tanaka, T., Tsumoto, K., Tomita, M., & Ide, T. (n.d.). Efficient expression of recombinant soluble human FcγRI in mammalian cells and its characterization. Protein Expression and Purification, 155-161.

Jepson, S., Vought, B., Gross, C., Gan, L., Austen, D., Frantz, J., . . . Krauss, R. (2012). LINGO-1, a Transmembrane Signaling Protein, Inhibits Oligodendrocyte Differentiation and Myelination through Intercellular Self-interactions. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 22184-22195.

Akiyama, M., Nakayama, D., Takeda, S., Kokame, K., Takagi, J., & Miyata, T. (n.d.). Crystal structure and enzymatic activity of an ADAMTS-13 mutant with the East Asian-specific P475S polymorphism. J Thromb Haemost Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 1399-1406.


MDCK or Madin-Darby Canine Epithelial cells are anchorage-dependent cells that originated from the kidney cells of an adult female Canis familiaris. The MDCK cell line has been used for various applications, including vaccine production and in vitro drug permeability assays. In particular, Esco VacciXcell’s tide motion bioreactor system has been and is currently being used in the development of viral vaccines against H5N1, H7N9, H1N1, H3N2, H3N4, H3N5 and H3N7 for both human and animal uses.

Esco VacciXcell offers a complete platform for the use of MDCK cell line with tide motion bioreactor system. Since MDCK cell line grows very fast, controlling the optimum pH would be difficult. MDCK cell line performs best using 500AP bottles when doing trial with CelCradle™. It minimizes pH control problems and solves media exchange scheme.

Haredy, A., Takenaka, N., Yamada, H., Sakoda, Y., Okamatsu, M., Yamamoto, N., . . . Okamoto, S. (2013). An MDCK Cell Culture-Derived Formalin-Inactivated Influenza Virus Whole-Virion Vaccine from an Influenza Virus Library Confers Cross-Protective Immunity by Intranasal Administration in Mice. Clinical and Vaccine Immunology, 998-1007.

Haredy, A., Yamada, H., Sakoda, Y., Okamatsu, M., Yamamoto, N., Omasa, T., . . . Yamanishi, K. (2014). Neuraminidase gene homology contributes to the protective activity of influenza vaccines prepared from the influenza virus library. Journal of General Virology, 2365-2371.


Vero cells are anchorage-dependent cells, originally derived from the kidney of an adult Cercopithecus aethiops or African green monkey. The Vero cell line has been used for the development of vaccine against various diseases, including yellow fever, influenza, and rabies. In particular, Esco VacciXcell’s tide motion bioreactor system has been and is currently being used in the development of viral vaccines for both human and animal use against Enterovirus 71 (EV71), Infectious Bursal Disease Virus (IBDV), rabies, and Japanese Encephalitis Virus (JEV).

Esco VacciXcell offers a complete platform for the use of the Vero cell line with its tide motion bioreactor system and Plus™ Vero culture medium, ensuring the optimal growth of Vero cells for different applications. 

Toriniwa, H., & Komiya, T. (n.d.). Japanese encephalitis virus production in Vero cells with serum-free medium using a novel oscillating bioreactor. Biologicals, 221-226.
Sf-9 cells originate from the ovary of a female pupa Spodoptera frugiperda or fall armyworm. Sf-9 cells can be grown either in adherent or suspension culture. Esco VacciXcell’s tide motion bioreactor has been used to successfully culture and proliferate Sf-9 cells and as well as to produce recombinant proteins via transfection with baculoviruses.

Hu, Y., Lu, J., & Chung, Y. (n.d.). High-density cultivation of insect cells and production of recombinant baculovirus using a novel oscillating bioreactor. Cytotechnology, 145-153.

Lu, J., Chung, Y., Chan, Z., & Hu, Y. (n.d.). A Novel Oscillating Bioreactor BelloCell: Implications for Insect Cell Culture and Recombinant Protein Production. Biotechnology Letters Biotechnol Lett, 1059-1065.

HEK-293 cells are anchorage-dependent cells that originate from the embryonic kidney of a human fetus. The HEK-293 cell line has been used for different applications, including drug and toxicity assay, vaccine development, and drug discovery. Particularly, Esco VacciXcell’s tide motion bioreactor system has been used to successfully produce recombinant proteins from recombinant HEK-293 cells and adenovirus production.

Huang, K., Lo, W., Chung, Y., Lai, Y., Chen, C., Chou, S., & Hu, Y. (n.d.). Combination of Baculovirus-Mediated Gene Delivery and Packed-Bed Reactor for Scalable Production of Adeno-Associated Virus. Human Gene Therapy, 1161-1170.

Ho, L., Greene, C., Schmidt, A., & Huang, L. (n.d.). Cultivation of HEK 293 cell line and production of a member of the superfamily of G-protein coupled receptors for drug discovery applications using a highly efficient novel bioreactor. Cytotechnology, 117-123.

Tabata, S., Nampo, M., Mihara, E., Tamura-Kawakami, K., Fujii, I., & Takagi, J. (n.d.). A rapid screening method for cell lines producing singly-tagged recombinant proteins using the “TARGET tag” system. Journal of Proteomics, 1777-1785.

Yasui, N., Mihara, E., Nampo, M., Tamura-Kawakami, K., Unno, H., Matsumoto, K., & Takagi, J. (n.d.). Detection of endogenous LRP6 expressed on human cells by monoclonal antibodies specific for the native conformation. Journal of Immunological Methods, 153-160.

Kato, K., Nishimasu, H., Mihara, E., Ishitani, R., Takagi, J., Aoki, J., & Nureki, O. (2012). Expression, purification, crystallization and preliminary X-ray crystallographic analysis of Enpp1. Acta Cryst Sect F Acta Crystallogr F Struct Biol Cryst Commun Acta Cryst Sect F Struct Biol Cryst Commun Acta Cryst F Struct Biol Cryst Commun Acta Cryst F Acta Crystallographica Section F Structural Biology and Crystallization Communications Acta Crystal, 778-782.

PK-15 cells are anchorage-dependent cells that originated from the kidney of an adult pig (Sus scrofa). The PK-15 cell line has been widely used in vaccine and drug development studies for different pig viruses and diseases. Esco VacciXcell’s tide motion bioreactor system has been used for the successful development and production of vaccine against the hog cholera virus.
MDBK cells are anchorage-dependent cells that originated from the kidney of an adult male Bos Taurus. The MDBK cell line has been used in vaccine and drug development studies against different diseases including influenza and herpes simplex virus. Esco VacciXcell’s tide motion bioreactor system has been used for the succesful development and production of vaccine against Bovine Herpesvirus (BHV) and other viruses.

Hu, Y., Lu, J., & Chung, Y. (n.d.). High-density cultivation of insect cells and production of recombinant baculovirus using a novel oscillating bioreactor. Cytotechnology, 145-153.

Lu, J., Chung, Y., Chan, Z., & Hu, Y. (n.d.). A Novel Oscillating Bioreactor BelloCell: Implications for Insect Cell Culture and Recombinant Protein Production. Biotechnology Letters Biotechnol Lett, 1059-1065.


Mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) is a type of pluripotent cell that has the capability of differentiating into various types of cells. MSCs are used for both cell therapy procedures in both autologous and allogeneic applications.

(Sourced from

Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are advantageous over other stem cells types for a variety of reasons. First, they avoid the ethical issues that surround embryonic stem cell research.

Second, repeated studies have found MSCs to be immuno-privileged, which make them an advantageous cell type for allogeneic transplantation. MSCs reduce both the risks of rejection and complications of transplantation.

Third, there have been advances in the use of autologous mesenchymal stem cells to regenerate human tissues, including cartilage, meniscus, tendons, and bone fractures, because MSCs can exert regenerative effects through honing to sites of damage, paracrine signalling, regulating the immune response, and affecting the microenvironment.

In combination, these traits make MSCs of intense therapeutic interest, because they represent a population of cells with the potential to treat a wide range of acute and degenerative diseases.

Benefits of MSCs Relative to Other Stem Cells

Interestingly, MSCs have a range of benefits compared to other stem cell types, as presented below:

Well-Characterized: MSCs are a well-characterized population of adult stem cells, with over 36,000 scientific articles published about them.

Non-Controversial: MSCs avoid the ethical issues of embryonic stem cells, as they can be derived from sources that include adult bone marrow and adipose tissue.

Diverse Differentiation Potential: MSCs can form a variety of cell types in the laboratory, including those of both intra- and extra-mesenchymal lineage. These cell types include: fat (adipocytes), bone (osteoblasts), skin (dermal cells), nerve (neural cells), cartilage (chondrocytes), muscle (skeletal myocytes), tendons (tenocytes), marrow stroma, ligaments, and more.

Ease of Growth in Culture: Advanced knowledge exists for how to grow MSCs in culture, including protocols for isolation, expansion, and differentiation.

Flexible Propagation: MSCs can be grown and propagated in culture for extended periods, without losing differentiation potential.

Clinically Relevant Volumes: Unlike many other types of adult stem cells, MSCs can be acquired in the quantities required for clinical applications, as knowledge exists for how to culture the cell type in 3D bioreactors. It is understood that reduced oxygen conditions, along with available nutrients, assist MSC expansion under bioreactor condition.

Role as Regulatory Cells: MSCs synthesize and secrete a variety of macromolecules that are known regulators of hematopoietic and bone-resorbing cells.

Delivery of Gene Products: MMSCs can take up exogenous DNA and keep introduced genes, an attribute that may allow use of the cells in therapeutic delivery of molecules to target regions of the body.

Favorable Immune Status: MSCs lack the co-stimulatory molecules of the B7 family that are required to initiate an immune response. This allows the administration of MSC preparations across MHC barriers without concern for immunological rejection or the need for immunosuppression, making MSCs a universal stem cells source.

Commercially Available Research Tools:Currently, dozens of research supply companies offer MSC-based products, making research tools for this cell type easily accessible.

Esco VacciXcell's Tidemotion bioreactor have been proven to be an effective tool for culturing MSC for clinical application. CelCradle™ is a lab scale desktop bioreactor capable of high density adherent cell culture. The CelCradle™ is capable of culturing MSC for four (4) individual patients at the same time without the risk of cross contamination. CelCradle™ is also easily scalable to TideXCell, the pilot/production scale Tide Motion bioreactor model. Tide Motion bioreactors are truly linearly scalable up to 5,000L.
HeLa cells are anchorage-dependent cells, originally derived from a cervical carcinoma from a 31 year old female. This was the first aneuploid line derived from human tissue that is maintained in continuous cell culture. Susceptible to Poliovirus type I and adenovirus type 3.
PE/CA-PJ15 cells are anchorage-dependent cells, derived from the tongue tissue of a 45 year old male patient with oral squamous cell carcinoma. The cells have been shown to have epithelial differentiated characteristics expressing laminin and cytokeratins.
COS-7 cells are anchorage-dependent cells, derived from CV-1 simian cells transformed by an origin-defective mutant of SV40. The cells support the growth of recombinant SV40 viruses.
BEAS-2B cells are anchorage-dependent cells, originally derived from normal bronchial epithelium obtained from autopsy of non-cancerous individuals. The cell line has been applied for studies of pneumococcal infection mechanisms.
E11 is a clone of the cell line SSN-1 and is persistently infected with a C-type retrovirus (SnRV). It is susceptible to piscine nodavirus strains belonging to different genotypes (SJNNV, RGNNV, TPNNV and BFNNV - striped jack, red spotted grouper, tiger puffer and barfin flounder nervous necrosis viruses respectively). E11 is highly permissive to nodavirus infection and production.
SH-SY5Y cells are anchorage-dependent cells, it is a thrice-cloned sub-line of bone marrow biopsy-derived line SK-N-SH. SH-SY-5Y has dopamine-beta-hydroxylase activity and can convert glutamate to the neurotransmitter Gamma-Amino Butyric acid.
Derived from a 58 year old Caucasian male. The cells can synthesize lecithin utilizing the cytidine diphosphocholine pathway. Occasional cells may also contain inclusion bodies although they are not known to carry any human pathogen. This cell line is a suitable transfection host.
Was established from a pleural effusion of a 51 year old woman with metastatic breast cancer.
Derived from an epidermal carcinoma of the vulva taken from an 85 years old female. The cells carry large numbers of EGF binding sites and is an indicator cell for anti-TGF binding.
HT29 cells were differentiated into mature goblet cells using methotrexate. Mucous-secreting HT29-MTX sub clones were isolated from this cell clone and characterized with regard to tight junction formation, development of confluent monolayers and production of a mucous layer. HT29-MTX-E12 provides a model system to study the influence of the mucous layer on nanoparticle diffusion.
3T3 L1
A continuous strain of 3T3 developed through clonal isolation. The cells are not contact inhibited and this cell line is a suitable transfection host.
This cell line was derived from nude mouse xenografts initiated with cells from the ascites of a 62-year-old female Caucasian patient with cancer of the pancreas. The cells produce carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), human pancreas associated antigen, human pancreas specific antigen and mucin.
Established from the pleural expression from a 69 year female Caucasian suffering from a breast adenocarcinoma. Cells exhibit some features of differentiated mammary epithelium including oestradiol synthesis and formation of domes. The cells should be handled under laboratory containment level 2.
1-7HB2 is a clonal derivative of the human mammary luminal epithelial cell line MTSV1-7 identified by screening for branching morphology. The MTSV1-7 is a clonal non-tumorigenic cell line developed by immortalizing luminal epithelial cells cultured from milk using the SV40 T antigen. Used for in vitro study of branching morphogenesis of human mammary epithelial cells and the role of integrin in mammary morphogenesis.
This cisplatin-resistant cell line has been developed by chronic exposure of the parent cisplatin-sensitive A2780 cell line to increasing concentrations of cisplatin. It is cross-resistant to melphalan, adriamycin and irradiation.
An immortalized mouse neural progenitor cell line capable of differentiation in vitro. The cell line was established by retroviral-mediated transduction of the avian myc oncogene into mitotic progenitor cells of neonatal mouse cerebellum. This cell line is a valuable tool for in vitro and in vivo studies aimed at understanding the control of cell fate and differentiation of neural progenitors. The morphology of the cells may change over time.
The parent L strain was derived from normal subcutaneous areolar and adipose tissue of a 100-day-old male C3H/An mouse by WR Earle in 1940. NCTC clone 929 Clone of strain L (also known as L929) was subsequently derived in March 1948. Strain L was one of the first cell strains to be established in continuous culture, and clone 929 was the first cloned strain developed. Clone 929 was established (by the capillary technique for single cell isolation) from the 95th subculture generation of the parent strain. Cells are APRT+ and HPRT+.
Derived from the kidney of an apparently normal, adult Bos taurus. Also known as MDBK (NBL-1). The Bovine Viral Diarrhoea Virus (BVDV) status of this cell line was previously described as negative. Results of recent multiple molecular tests for BVDV that were undertaken by two independent testing laboratories were equivocal.
Hepa-1c1c7 was cloned from the cell line Hepa-1cl which was obtained from Hepa-1. Hepa-1 was derived from the BW7756 hepatoma that developed in a C57L mouse. Hepa-1c1c7 cells express the aryl hydrocarbon (Ah) receptor and were shown to be highly inducible for cytochrome P450IA1. A variety of mutants from this cell line have been established.
Mel-202 (ESTDAB-128) was established from a primary uveal melanoma. The mel-202 cell line is one of more than 170 characterized melanoma cell lines collected during the ESTDAB project (European Searchable Tumor Line Database) part of the European Commission'™s fifth framework infrastructures programme (contract no. QLRI-CT-2001-01325). ESTDAB ( contains information on HLA genotype and surface expression of HLA molecules, expression of tumor antigens, antigen processing capability, production of and response to cytokines and chemokines, apoptosis regulation and expression of adhesion/accessory molecules.
A 172
Derived from a glioblastoma removed from a 53 year old male. Non-tumorigenic in anti-thymocyte serum treated NIH Swiss mice.
Derived from a 61 year old female with a primary adenocarcinoma of the pancreas. BxPC-3 cells produce mucin and the tumor produced in a nude mouse is moderately well to poorly differentiate like the primary adenocarcinoma.
DMS 273
DMS 273 was initiated in 1978 from the pleural fluid specimen from a 50 year old female patient with small cell carcinoma of the lung. The patient was in relapse after chemotherapy and radiotherapy. DMS 273 cells exhibit intercellular processes and express retinoblastoma mRNA and protein. The cell line is tumorigenic in nude mice.
Derived from a female fetal carcass of a 2/N guinea pig. The cells were treated with benzo pyrene for 7 days and a clone selected at the 20th passage. The cells are tumorigenic in guinea pigs.
Hep G2
The Hep G2 cell line has been isolated from a liver biopsy of a male Caucasian aged 15 years, with a well differentiated hepatocellular carcinoma. The cells secrete a variety of major plasma proteins e.g. albumin, alpha-2-macroglobulin, alpha- 1-antitrypsin, transferrin and plasminogen. They have been grown successfully in large scale cultivation systems. Hepatitis B virus surface antigens have not been detected. The cells will respond to stimulation with human growth hormone.
A sub clone of the parental CHO cell line, which was derived from the ovary of an adult Chinese hamster. Cells require proline due to the absence of the gene for proline synthesis, the block in the biosynthetic chain lies in the step converting glutamic acid to glutamine gamma serialdehyde. They undergo morphological changes in response to cholera toxin.
The osteoblastic cell line MC3T3-E1 has been established from a C57BL/6 mouse calvaria and selected on the basis of high alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity in the resting state. Cells have the capacity to differentiate into osteoblasts and osteocytes and have been demonstrated to form calcified bone tissue in vitro. Mineral deposits have been identified as hydroxyapatite. Expression of basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) mRNA and protein has been shown to be regulated by treatment with TGF beta and bFGF. Prostaglandin F2a has been reported to stimulate DNA synthesis and proliferation by up-regulation of insulin-like growth factor I receptors. MC3T3-E1 secrete collagen and express murine leukemia inhibitory factor (mLIF) in RNA.
IMR 32
Established from an abdominal mass occurring in a 13 month old Caucasian male. The tumor was diagnosed as a neuroblastoma with two rare areas of orgonoid differentiation. The culture is a mixture of two morphologically distinct cell types, a small neuroblast-like cell and the other a large hyaline fibroblast. IMR 32 is partially resistant to polioviruses type 3 and highly resistant to ECHO-II. It is susceptible to Coxsackie B3.
CFPAC-1 is a ductal pancreatic adenocarcinoma derived by differential trypsinisation of explant cultures from a metastatic lesion in the liver of a 26 year old caucasian male with cystic fibrosis (CF). The cell line expresses cystic fibrosis trans-membrane regulator (CFTR) and ion transport properties consistent with the CF defect. CFPAC-1 cells show an epithelial morphology and polarisation with apical microvilli. Expression of cytokeratin and oncofoetal antigens characteristic of pancreatic duct cells have been described. The cells express the CF gene and show the most common CF mutation, deletion of three nucleotides result in a phenylalanine-508 deletion. CFPAC-1 cells are also tumorigenic in nude mice.
HeLa9903 is a HeLa cell line stably transfected with two constructs: the hER alpha expression construct; a firefly luciferase reporter construct bearing Oestrogen-Responsive Element (ERE) driven by a mouse metallothionein (MT) promoter TATA element. HeLa9903 can be used to test for evaluation of chemicals based on OECD Test Guideline: The stably transformed human oestrogen receptor-alpha transcriptional; activation assay for detection of oestrogenic activity of chemicals.
TsA201 is a transformed human kidney cell line stably expressing an SV40 temperature-sensitive T antigen. The cell line has been used in a variety of functional expression assays and has been reported to produce high levels of recombinant proteins. Transfection efficiency decreases over a period of several months, therefore it is advisable to lay down a frozen stock as a reserve.
CHSE/F (formerly known as CHSE-214)
The fish line CHSE/F was derived from Common bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus) embryo. It is susceptible to various fish viruses including infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus (IHNV); viral haemorrhagic septicaemia virus (VHSV); spring viraemia of carp virus (SVCV); and infectious pancreatic necrosis virus (IPNV). The CCLV have changed the cell line name to CHSE/F to indicate this. The line is used in viral diagnostics and gives better results than BF-2, a commonly used cell line of Lepomis macrochirus. The sequence of both lines (BF-2 and CHSE/F possess the same nucleotide exchange but are different in culture behaviour and in virus propagation.
Derived from the kidney of an apparently normal, adult Bos taurus. Also known as MDBK (NBL-1). The Bovine Viral Diarrhoea Virus (BVDV) status of this cell line was previously described as negative. Results of recent multiple molecular tests for BVDV that were undertaken by two independent testing laboratories were equivocal.
NCI-H358 was isolated from a primary bronchioloalveolar carcinoma of the lung from a Caucasian male taken prior to treatment. Ultrastructural studies of this non-small cell carcinoma of the lung (NSCLC) demonstrated the presence of granules characteristic of Clara cells. NCI-H358 do not express UDP-glucuronosyltransferases, but do express glutathione-S-transferase and phenol sulphotransferase. Expression of SP-A protein and RNA, the major surfactant-associated protein was detected. SP-B and SP-C RNA was not expressed. A complete homozygous deletion of the p53 gene and therefore a lack of p53 protein has been reported. A colony forming efficiency of 0.83% in soft agarose, and growth in serum-free media has been reported. The cells are tumorigenic in athymic nude mice, and exhibit a doubling time of 38 hours in RPMI 1640 medium. Since these cells are proficient in oxidation of xenobiotics but deficient in their conjugation with glucuronic acid they present a tool for analyzing the role of glucuronic acid conjugation in the inactivation of chemicals in intact cells.
RK13 has been derived from kidney cells of a 5 week old rabbit. The cell line has been shown to be susceptible to pseudorabies virus, rabbitpox virus, myxomatose virus, vaccinia and EAV. Sensitivity to other viruses such as Simian adenovirus and rubella has been reported as well with the production of cytopathic effect (CPE). RK13 has been successfully treated with thiamutin for eradication of mycoplasma. The Bovine Viral Diarrhoea Virus (BVDV) status of this cell line was previously described as negative.
Isolated from a primary colonic tumour in a 72-year-old Caucasian male using the explant culture technique. Forms moderately well differentiated adenocarcinomas consistent with colonic primary grade II, in nude mice.
Subclone from myoblast line established from normal adult C3H mouse leg muscle. Differentiates rapidly; produces extensive contracting myotubes expressing characteristic muscle proteins. Provides model to study in vitro myogenesis and cell differentiation.
Established from undifferentiated thyroid carcinomas of a 78 year old female patient. Pathologically this primary carcinoma tissue contained residual well differentiated components suggesting well differentiated to undifferentiated carcinoma progression.
A trypsinised variant of LS180, both lines being derived from a 58 year old female with Dukes type B adenocarcinoma of the colon. The cells have microvilli and intracytoplasmic vacuoles. The cells are tumorigenic in nude mice.
Derived from a 54 year old female with malignant melanoma. The cell line produces rapidly growing amelanotic melanomas in anti-thymocyte serum treated NIH Swiss mice.
Derived from a 69 year old Caucasian male with a kidney carcinoma. The cells contain microfilaments and multilaminar bodies. They also exhibit microvilli. The cells are tumorigenic in nude mice.
LNCap clone FGC
Derived from a metastasis at the left supraclavicular lymph node of a 50 year old patient with a confirmed diagnosis of metastatic prostate carcinoma. Growth and acid phosphatase production is affected by 5-alpha-dihydrotestosterone. They do not form a uniform monolayer and attach only lightly to the substrate.
NCI-H322 was derived in 1981 from a primary bronchioloalveolar carcinoma of the lung from a 52 year old male taken prior to treatment. Ultrastructural studies of this non-small cell carcinoma cell line demonstrated the presence of cytoplasmic structures characteristic of Clara cells
The first human, trophoblastic endocrine cell type to be maintained in continuous culture. It was initiated from a malignant gestational choriocarcinoma of the fetal placenta. The cells secrete placental hormones including chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG), polypeptide hormones, lactogen, estrogenic and progestational steroids, estrone, estradiol, estriol and progesterone. A high rate of hCG Synthesis has been shown.
Derived from a recurrent squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue of a Caucasian male. Keratin and involucrin markers present. Known mutations: p53, p16 and p14ARF. Cells are tumorigenic in athymic mice.
B16 melanoma 4A5
Derived from a melanoma from the skin of a C57BL/6 strain mouse, showing fibroblast-like characteristics, which produces melanin. Cells may lose ability to produce pigmentation in long term culture.
Initiated on 6th November 1987 from a biopsy of a 51 year old normal male. The cells have been used in radiation survival studies. EBV-transformed lymphocytes designated have been isolated from the same individual.
Derived from a recurrent squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue of a Caucasian male. Keratin and involucrin markers present. Known mutations: p53, p16 and p14ARF. Cells are tumorigenic in athymic mice.
1.2B4 is a hybrid cell line formed by the electrofusion of a primary culture of human pancreatic islets with HuP-T3, a human pancreatic carcinoma cell line has been shown to be tumorigenic when transplanted into a SCID mouse host. The cell line has applications in the study of pancreatic cell biology. 1.2B4 cells provide a method of producing pure insulin secreting cells when stimulated (please see attached protocols for the stimulation of insulin secretion). This is an alternative to the use of primary tissue in cell transplantation therapies for type 1 diabetes.
Nthy-ori 3-1
Normal human primary thyroid follicular epithelial cells were transfected with a plasmid containing an origin-defective SV40 genome (SV-ori) to immortalize them. SV40 DNA was able to immortalize normal thyroid epithelial cells with the retention of several different functions.
1777N Rpmet
This cell line was established from a retro-peritoneal metastasis of a non seminomatous germ cell carcinoma.
Isolated from a primary tumour in a 44 year old Caucasian female. Forms a well-differentiated adenocarcinoma consistent with colony primary, grade I. Tumours also form in steroid treated hamsters. Has the following HLA profile A1,3; B12,17; Cw5.
Cloned from the same mixed culture of normal rat kidney cells as NRK-49F, but has epithelial-like morphology. It has distinct growth and transforming characteristics distinct from NRK-49F.
Derived from lung tissue of a 16 week old female Caucasian fetus. The cells have a virus susceptibility similar to WI-38 and MRC-5 cells. The cells have a finite lifespan.
The MH-S cell line was obtained from a 7 week-old male BALB/c J mouse by bronchoalveolar lavage followed by SV-40 transformation of an adherent cell enriched population of alveolar macrophages. Many properties of alveolar macrophages are expressed with the cells being phagocytic, esterase positive and peroxidase negative. The intracellular T-antigen and cell surface Ia and Mac-1 antigens are expressed as well as Fc receptors. IL-1 is constitutively expressed and can be increased by stimulation with lipopolysaccharides (LPS).
MRC-5 pd19
Established from normal lung tissue of a 14 week old male fetus. The virus susceptibility of this line to human viruses is similar to WI-38. These cells are capable of approximately 26 further population doublings before the start of senescence.
This Adriamycin-resistant cell line has been developed by exposure of the parent L929 murine fibroblast cell line (ECACC catalogue number 85011425) to increasing concentrations of doxorubicin in-vitro. L929/A cells can be used in the development of novel anti-cancer treatments. Resistance can be circumvented by modulating agents such as verapamil and quinine. The parent cell line L929 was derived from normal subcutaneous areolar adipose tissue.
Derived from normal kidneys of an adult male toad (Xenopus laevis). A6 cells support the replication of Granoff's frog viruses but not the Lucke inclusion-tumor associated virus.
Derived from normal kidneys of an adult male toad (Xenopus laevis). A6 cells support the replication of Granoff's frog viruses but not the Lucke inclusion-tumour associated virus.
The cell line b.End3 has been established from brain endothelial cells of SV129 mice. Immortalisation has been carried out by infection of primary cells with retrovirus coding for the Polyoma virus middle T-antigen. b.End3 cells are positive for endothelial specific proteins (PECAM-1, Endoglin, MECA-32, Flk-1) tested by FACS. Inflammatory cytokines induce the expression of proteins such as ICAM-1, VCAM-1 and E-selectin. Injection into mice causes development of haemangiomas.
Chang Liver (HeLa derivative)
The cell line Chang Liver was originally thought to be derived from normal liver. The cell line has since been found to be indistinguishable from HeLa by STR PCR DNA profiling. Therefore, the cell line should be considered as derived from HeLa.
Established from a squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the buccal mucosa (20mm-40mm) of a male patient, age 84. STNMP stage II, well differentiated, node positive tumour. Mutant p53, codon 306 exon 8, G to A; wild type K-, N- and Ha-ras. Non-tumourigenic in athymic nude mice by subcutaneous injection and on injection into the floor of the mouth (orthotopic), but form epidermoid cysts subcutaneously.
Detroit 562
Derived from pleural fluid of an adult female with primary carcinoma of the pharynx. The cells have the type B glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase.
Established from a biopsy of a normal 56 year old male. The cells have been used in radiation survival studies. EBV-transformed lymphocytes designated have been isolated from the same individual.
Established from a skin of a normal 49 year old male. The cells have been used in radiation survival studies.
A diploid cell line derived from normal male Rhesus monkey foetus. Susceptible to poliovirus types 1-3, Coxsackie A9, parainfluenza 3, rubella and is non-tumorigenic in animals.
This cell line has been isolated from a lymph node metastasis from a 43 year old male patient with malignant melanoma. Due to their highly invasive properties, the cells can be used as a source of cellular invasion associated proteins e.g. collagen type IV collagenase, tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-2 and autocrine motility factor.
Derived from a lymph node metastasis squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue of a Caucasian male. Keratin and involucrin markers present. Known mutations: p53, p16 and p14ARF. Cells are tumourigenic in athymic mice.
Derived from a squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue of a Caucasian male. Keratin and involucrin markers present. Known mutations: p53, p16 and p14ARF. Cells are tumourigenic in athymic mice.
A HPRT- derivative of the SV40 transformed human fibroblast line GM0637. The cells were selected in 5µg/ml thioguanine and are useful for transfection experiments.
Derived from the pleural effusion of a 22 year old male patient with metastatic renal adenocarcinoma. The cells have been reported to be growth inhibited by human interferons.
Derived from an adult female with glioblastoma multiform treated with local brain irradiation and multi drug chemotherapy. By flow cytometry these cells were almost 100% positive for MHC Class I.
Hepa 1-6
Derived from BW7756 tumour in a C57L mouse. Secretes several liver products including albumin, alpha-fetoprotein, alpha 1-antitrypin and amylase.
Derived from a Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) embryo, susceptible to a wide range of fish viruses and in many instances replicate high titers
This cell line originates from a 40 year old caucasian female suffering from a breast adenocarcinoma but these cells were isolated from a metastatic site in the brain.
TR146 was derived from the neck node of a 67 year-old female (primary tumor was sited in buccal mucosa). The patient had had previous radiotherapy (6,000 rads) and neck dissection. TR146 is tumorigenic in female (nu/nu) mice leading to the production of rapidly progressing tumors. Histology: well-differentiated keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma.
A non seminomatous germ cell carcinoma derived cell line. A yolk sac carcinoma cell line derived from a testicular teratoma carcinoma. This cell line is tumorigenic in nude mice.
Established from a biopsy of a 51 year old normal male. The cells have been used in radiation survival studies.
PEO1 is an adherent cell line derived from a malignant effusion from the peritoneal ascites of a patient with a poorly differentiated serous adenocarcinoma. The patient previously received cisplatin, 5-fluorouracil and chlorambucil treatment. PEO1 is tumourigenic in immunologically-deprived CBA mice. This cell line is one of nine from the PE ovarian adenocarcinoma panel (derived from 4 patients at varying stages of ovarian cancer, isolated from various malignant sites, and at various treatment stages) available at ECACC which provides a model system for research into the mechanism of oestrogen action on ovarian adenocarcinoma tumour cells, and for the study of efficacy and toxicity of oestrogen protagonists.
Derived from a malignant ascetic effusion in a 63 year old female Caucasian with infiltrating ductal carcinoma. The cells are reported to express both the wildtype and variant oestrogen receptors, progesterone receptor and other steroid hormones.
CMT 93
From a 19 month old male mouse (C57BL/1CRF) which had received an i.p. injection of MAMA each week for 18 months. 4th in vivo passage - source of explant culture. Cells form acini and junctional complexes and produce large tumors in nude mice (6 x 1,000,000 cells inoculum) after 1 month.
BAOEC is susceptible to bovine respiratory viruses and is infected with BVDV.
LL/2 (LLc 1)
Derived from the lung of a C57BL mouse implanted with a primary Lewis Lung carcinoma. The cells can be used as a model for metastasis and for studying the effects of chemotherapeutic agents.
Established from a pancreatic carcinoma of ductal origin from a 56-year-old Caucasian male. Cells possess the type B phenotype for G6PD. The Y chromosome could not be detected in this cell line by short tandem repeat (STR)-PCR analysis when tested at ECACC. It is a known phenomenon that due to the increased genetic instability of cancer cell lines the Y chromosome can be rearranged or lost resulting in lack of detection. The cell line is identical to the source provided by the depositor based on the STR-PCR analysis.
L929 (NCTC)
The parent L strain was derived from normal subcutaneous areolar and adipose tissue of a 100-day-old male C3H/An mouse by WR Earle in 1940. NCTC clone 929 Clone of strain L (also known as L929) was subsequently derived in March 1948. Strain L was one of the first cell strains to be established in continuous culture, and clone 929 was the first cloned strain developed. Clone 929 was established (by the capillary technique for single cell isolation) from the 95th subculture generation of the parent strain. The cells were treated with 20 methylcholanthrene and produced sarcomas when injected into C3H strain mice.
SW 626
Although originally thought to be of ovarian origin, a recent report has suggested that the SW 686 cell line might have been derived from an ovarian metastasis of a primary adenocarcinoma of the colon Furlong, et al., 1999. The SW 626 cell line was initiated by A. Leibovitz in January 1974 at the Scott and White Clinic, Temple, Texas from a surgical specimen from a cystadenocarcinoma of the ovary in a 46 year old female Caucasian. The histopathology of the specimen was determined to be grade III adenocarcinoma.
Derived from an adenocarcinoma of the stomach of a 54 year-old Caucasian female with no prior anti-cancer treatment. AGS cells are persistently infected with parainfluenza virus type 5 (PIV5) (Young et al., 2007).
AT- 3.1
AT-3.1 is a sub clone of the AT-3 cell line being one of a series of related variants originating from a single spontaneous adenocarcinoma in the dorsal lobe of the prostate of an aged male inbred Copenhagen rat. AT-3.1 was derived from an anaplastic tumor with a high rate of metastases and is androgen-independent.
Used in RSV transformation studies. Demonstrates rapid thymidine kinase (TK) activity following induction of simian, adeno and papova virus infections. Derived from a male adult African Green monkey kidney. Cells grow rapidly and form monolayers of fibroblast-like cells that support the growth of SV40. Chromosome number shifts have been observed at high passage levels.
59 M
Derived from a patient with carcinoma of the ovary and is of ascetic fluid origin.
COV 318
A human ovarian epithelial-serous carcinoma cell line established from a peritoneal ascites. Anchorage-independent growth in agar has been reported.
Established from a squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the tongue (20mm) of a 74 year-old male patient. STNMP stage I, well differentiated, node negative tumour. Mutant p53, codon 110 exon 4, G to A; the previously reported mutant Ha-ras status of this cell line: codon: 13, G to A, codon 61, A-G is under investigation. This cell line is highly responsive to TGF beta and undergoes epithelial to mesenchymal transition. It expresses high levels of TGF beta1. Fahey et al (1996). Tumorigenic in athymic nude mice on subcutaneous injection and non-tumorigenic on orthotropic injection. Haplotype information: A*02,A*31; B*40,B*44; Cw*03,Cw*05
Derived from the ascitic fluid from a 64 year old caucasian female with an ovarian tumour. Forms moderately well-differentiated adenocarcinoma consistent with ovarian primary cells.
Primary fibroblasts selected for resistance to 5µg/ml thioguanine.
Colorectal adenocarcinoma which is tumorigenic in nude mice. The four cell lines: DLD-1 (90102540), HCT-15 (91030712), HCT-8 (90032006) and HRT-18 (86040306) have been shown to have a common genetic origin see Vermeulen SJ, Chen TR, Speleman F, Nollet F, Van Roy FM, Mareel MM 1998 Did the four human cancer cell lines DLD-1, HCT-15, HCT-8, and HRT-18 originate from one and the same patient? Cancer Genet Cytogenet. 107(1):76-9. PMID: 9809040. This has been confirmed at ECACC by STR profiling.
Derived from ascitic fluid of a 47 year old woman with infiltrating ductal carcinoma.
Mouse melanoma which produces melanin.
This MEM adapted sub-line of CHO-KI is used in Pertussis Toxin research and for quality control of batch production.
Pluripotent mouse embryonic stem cell line. ES-E14TG2a cells are deficient in in HPRT and are resistant to 0.06mM 6-thioguanine.
Ethyl nitrosourea induced tumour cell line. Neuronal cells are useful in the research of the distribution of neurotransmitter synthesis and brain specific antigens among nerve and glia.
Derived from the skin of a Cynomolgus monkey embryo.
FLO-1 was established from a primary distal oesophageal adenocarcinoma in a 68 year-old Caucasian male in 1991. The Y chromosome could not be detected in this cell line by short tandem repeat (STR)-PCR analysis when tested at ECACC. It is a known phenomenon that due to the increased genetic instability of cancer cell lines the Y chromosome can be rearranged or lost resulting in lack of detection. The cell line is identical to the source provided by the depositor based on the STR-PCR analysis.
KYSE-30 was established from the oesophageal cancer of an untreated 64 year old male. The tumour sample was taken from the mucosal surface of a well differentiated squamous cell carcinoma. The cell line KYSE-30 was established with the use of tumours initially transplanted to athymic mice. The cells are reported to have a doubling time of 20.8 hrs in the exponential growth phase. A p53 mutation at the splice acceptor site of intron 6 and a 12 fold amplification of c-erb B has been reported. KYSE-30 cells express a large number of epidermal growth factor receptors, 1.2x10,000,000 sites/cell.
The fibroblast-like cell line is derived from the fin tissue of the adult salt water blue striped Grunt. The cell line does not support the replication of influenza A, herpes simplex, adeno, polio, dengue and eastern equine encephalitis viruses.