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There are many different types of bioreactors available in the market today and choosing the right bioreactor system for cells is crucial for cell culture success. The choice of bioreactor system to use highly depend on the type of cells to be produced, the desired product, the process of the cell culture, and the product density. Esco Healthcare offers different types of bioreactors, suited for different types of cells, applications, and scales.

Tide Motion Bioreactors

This type of bioreactor is specific for adherent cells to culture them in an extremely low shear stress environment. The proprietary “Tide Motion” principle is comparable to the gentle upward and downward movement of the culture medium in the vessel. The alternate exposure provides sufficient nutrient and oxygen consumption during cell culture. As adherent cells are surface dependent, these cells can attach to a robust geometrically designed macroporous carrier to mimic its in vivo state as it grows.




CelXrocker is used for process optimization in using 3D macroporous carriers in T-flasks. The rocker provides gentle side-to-side rocking motion for mixing in culture, flasks, tubes, and dishes. The rocker is designed to conveniently fit in most CO2 incubators and refrigerators; thereby, set-up or assay can be placed in a controlled environment.



The CelCradle system is a bench-scale, disposable bioreactor capable of high-density cell culture for protein expression, virus, and monoclonal antibody production. It is designed based on the concept of the bellow-induced intermittent flow of culture medium and air through macroporous matrices, where cells reside.



TideXcell bioreactor system is the extended large-scale system of the laboratory scale CelCradle® bioreactor system. In this system, the matrix vessel and the mixing vessel are separated to aid in the 100% medium exchange requirements of the user. It is also a combination technology equipped with its own harvester for high product yield after every culture.

Frequently Asked Questions
The Tide Motion bioreactor is specifically designed for mammalian adherent cell cultures such as VERO, MSCs, HEK-293T, and more. Its principle is gentle for an extremely low shear stress environment for a higher product yield. The stirred tank bioreactor follows a stirring format that is usually used in microbial applications for producing enzymes, antibodies, and more. The agitation and oxygen transfer parameters are important in considering your next stirred-tank bioreactor.
The term ‘bioreactor’ is often related to the cultivation of suspended mammalian cells while ‘fermenter’ is used to provide a suitable environment to produce products but is limited for microbial use only.
There are specific parameters that are different for Tide Motion and Stirred-tank. For Tide Motion, one has to set-up the holding time and fill rate before the start of culture, while for stirred tank, the agitation and aeration parameters must be calculated to reach the target kla (mass transfer coefficient).
The bioreactors are designed for users to understand directly without the need for training. Its straightforward features accompany the user in their culture run to start in the shortest possible time.
Depending on your chosen bioreactor, cleaning procedures can be different. For single-use biroeactors, make sure to dispose of the unit properly according to guidelines. For multiple-use systems, cleaning your glass vessel requires detergent, and in most cases, water is sufficient to remove unwanted dirt and stains. Depending on the product cultured in the system, certain decontamination steps should be done to avoid future culture problems (like contamination).
You can reach us through email at [email protected] or through answering the request form at our contact page. We recommend you provide us information by filling up the form of upstream questionnaire in order for us to properly assist you on the experiments and budgets you require.

Several training courses are available on-hand to equip customers with proper knowledge and skills to set-up and operate the equipment. Esco VacciXcell also offers advanced courses through webinars that cover topics such as Introduction to Tide Motion, Introduction to Stirred Tank Bioreactors, Speeding Up Your Vaccine Development, and more.

Application courses are also offered such as inoculation/cell culture and sampling techniques, harvesting procedures, and primary product recovery.

Our bench-scale systems are available for a live demo. Interested customers can contact our technical support team for further information. Contact us through [email protected]
The impeller design to be chosen depends on the type of cell to be cultured, the liquid’s viscosity and the type of product to be produced.
Yes, we provide one year warranty for our products from the completion day of SAT against defects in material (for large units) and workmanship. Consumables such as quick connectors, tubings, and cable are excluded. We also provide preventive maintenance for best performance during operation and process.
The system can further be improved to GMP compliance at additional costs.
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