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Application and Technology News

Tide Motion System: The Perfect Partner for World Immunization

By Esco Healthcare 20 March, 2019



The last week of April is the week where World Health Organizer (WHO) will celebrate the World Immunization Week that serves as a great reminder that vaccines are powerful tools used to protect everyone from certain types of diseases.

It is with immunization that WHO reported of great progress in the elimination of certain diseases like poliomyelitis in the Western Pacific region, measles in eight countries, and hepatitis B among children in 19 countries. Many lives have been saved yearly through vaccines and is considered as the most cost effective and successful solution for saving lives for the years to come.

Some vaccinations are recommended for individuals of all ages of any age, which requires just one shot. Examples of these are vaccines for measles, mumps, rubella; vaccine for chickenpox; hepatitis A, hepatitis B, and Hepatitis A & B. (Learn more about Human vaccine: )

On the other hand, there are also some vaccines whose effects may wear off over time, therefore necessitating the need for a booster so it can continue its job of preventing a certain disease.

Some diseases, like influenza, are well-known for their annual booster vaccines since influenza strains varies each year. Doing so allows the vaccine to hold off any illnesses during the flu season.

The future of immunization depends on the successful research and manufacturing of vaccines. One step is to improve the manufacturing system that produces hundred millions of cells to make the vaccine.

Due to high demand immunization, vaccines must be produced in large amounts to cater the increasing demand for immunization.

Commercially available Tide Motion System is a system that provides a gentle and a low shear stress environment for the cells to grow.



Regardless of the desired vaccine to be produce, Esco VacciXcell's Tide Motion bioreactor is your perfect partner. Tide Motion bioreactors are able to culture any type of adherent cell line used in virus production. The proprietary technology and linear scalability guarantees high virus titers while maintaining low operational and developmental costs.

It is one of the objectives of WHO to raise awareness about the importance of full immunization throughout life. In conclusion, prevention is always better than cure so do



  1. World Health Organization (January, 2019). World Immunization Week 24 - 30 April. Last accessed 20 March 2019 from

  2. Passport Health (October 2016). Why Are Booster Vaccinations So Important?. Last accessed 20 March 2019 from



Esco VacciXcell

21 Changi South Street 1

Singapore 486777

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Email: [email protected]


About Tide Motion Bioreactors

Tide Motion pertains to the gentle oscillation of culture medium into and out of the matrix vessel that intermittently exposes the cells to aeration and nutrition. The upward oscillation exposes the cells to nutrition, while the downward oscillation exposes the cells to aeration. At the same time, this process washes away products and wastes. This oscillation produces no air bubbles and low shear stress. View a range of products at

About Esco VacciXcell

Esco VacciXcell is the bioprocessing division of Esco Group of Companies that specializes in the marketing and manufacturing of bioprocessing equipment for cell culture.

Esco VacciXcell provides turnkey manufacturing solutions using its proprietary Tide Motion™ technology to help developing nations to be self-sufficient in the manufacturing, storing, distribution, and administration of vaccines and other biologics, thus providing a complete solution from Discovery to Delivery. For more information on VacciXcell, please visit

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