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Esco Healthcare News

Application and Technology News

The Tide is Rolling to Europe!

By Esco Healthcare 26 September, 2018




Ola! Esco VacciXcell and Esco Aster will be exhibiting again for the upcoming World Vaccine Congress (WVC) at EPIC SANA Lisboa Hotel Lisbon, Portugal from Oct. 29 – 31.

WVC aims to bring together the leading experts in vaccine and immune-oncology profiling technology.

This year, the event is expecting over 500 delegates all over the world. This shows that WVC is indeed a great platform to create tight links with the leading experts in the vaccine industry.

Esco VacciXcell and Esco Aster will be displaying their newly upgraded TideCell™ bioreactor, incubators and isolators. The company shall continue its mission in catering world-class products that provide solutions and ensures safety among healthcare industries, from Discovery to Delivery.

It will surely be a ground for the empowerment of clinicians, researchers, regulators, technologists, and industry partners to improve the health of thousands of people living with a disease.

We hope to see you there as the Tide rolls to Europe!


Haven't booked a meeting yet? E-mail us at [email protected] for further inquiries.

Event Details:
World Vaccine Congress 2018
Date: October 29–31
Location: Epic Sana Lisboa Hotel, Portugal

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