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Application and Technology News


By Esco Healthcare 13 November, 2016


Esco VacciXcell has conducted two seminars within the past few months that is aimed to educate and enlighten people from the scientific community of the revolutionary technology that is the TideMotion bioreactor system. The TideMotion Bioreactor System is the solution to every upstream bioprocessing challenge when it comes to adherent cell culture. It is the only truly linearly scalable packed bed bioreactor system currently available in the market.


TideMotion Bioreactors: CelCradle™(L) and TideCell®( R )


The TideMotion bioreactors also boasts of zero shear stress and unlimited oxygenation potential for adherent cell culture.

In order to bring this technology to as many people as possible, two seminars were done halfway around the world from each other.

Last Oct. 22, 2016, Esco VacciXcell conducted a seminar in Taylor's University, Lakeside Campus in Malaysia entitled 'VacciXcell Bioprocessing Seminar" which catered to faculty and students alike. The speaker for the event was Mr. Liang Ke, a Biomedical Engieering Master's Degree holder and product specialist from VacciXcell. Attendees were also allowed to interact with the live demo unit presented at the seminar.

Mr. Liang Ke discussing about VacciXcell Products


Live Demo of CelCradle™


Last Nov 11, 2016, Esco VacciXcell also held a seminar in Catania, Italy entitled "Innovation and Advances in Bioprocessing". This seminar was delivered by Ms. MK Kim, application specialist from VacciXcell.

Ms. MK Kim discussing about CelCradle™


VacciXcell Seminar Attendees


For all who have attended our seminars and events, we sincerely thank you and hope that you have gained new insights in the field of bioprocessing. For those who want to attend our seminars, here is a list of our upcoming events:

Location Date Title
Hong Kong January 20, 2017 Innovation and Advances in Bioprocessing


Want to hold a seminar in your location? Contact us today!

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