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Application and Technology News

Producing Beauty in a Bottle

By Esco Healthcare 1 April, 2018



The word “beauty” comes in many definitions that change over time. Although beauty and preference are based on the individual’s taste and personality, beauty products help in a great way to enhance one’s external appearance.

The new generation of cosmetic products is driven primarily by innovation which have undergone several changes, especially in terms of ingredients used. The cosmeceutical industry drew their ingredients from a variety of sources from biological, herbal, marine, and even synthetic origins.

A new trend that has been previously discussed (Beauty in a Bottle), which uses stem cells as the main ingredient to produce serum or conditioned media (CCM), delivers aesthetic effects to consumers. Stem cells are of considerable advantage in the cosmeceutical industry as they secrete growth factors and cytokines in the cultured medium. This conditioned medium-consisting various growth factors and cytokines, promotes regeneration of damaged tissue thus, producing promising results when used for skincare.   

Secreted growth factors and cytokines play a role in cell division, the growth of new cells, and promote the synthesis of collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid. These structural elements are found in the skin which reduces with age and are vulnerable to environmental stressors. Producing these growth factors and cytokines involve the use of a cell line which can proliferate and produce these target products in large amounts.

Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are one of the best examples used for creating conditioned media. MSCs can be isolated or found in the bone marrow, fat, around blood vessels, and others. These cells act as the first line of respondents and control hematopoiesis and immune response. MSCs do so by using biochemicals called cytokines responsible for cell communication. A multitude of cytokines secreted from MSCs during culture is known to have multifunctional capabilities. Particularly for skin, cytokines produced by MSCs act as building blocks in rebuilding and repairing damages caused by stress and intrinsic changes. Some are responsible for the reduction of melanin synthesis to make skin look fairer and to stimulate fibroblasts that secrete collagen and elastin.

Cytokines, also classified as growth factors - drive cell proliferation; chemokines, which stimulate recruitment of leukocytes; and others which are involved in protein synthesis inside targeted cells. When skin undergoes repair, all these mechanisms act together in a specific pattern o mediate cell growth, proliferation and differentiation for a certain period of time.

With these cytokines present in CCM that provides revitalization of the skin and even hair growth, cosmeceutical companies opt to provide and fulfill the aesthetic look to the future generations. To do so, stem cells such as MSCs are cultured in the laboratory with optimum conditions to produce large amounts of growth factors and cytokines.

The principal cells utilized for producing serum-based ingredients, or MSCs, are adherent cells. Esco VacciXcell provides a solution for high quality production of conditioned medium that can be used in the cosmeceutical industry. BioNOC™ II is a macrocarrier, made from 100% PET that offers a large surface area for MSCs to grow and proliferate. The carrier’s configuration is in 3D which allows MSCs to grow in the surface of the fibers and in between the spaces of these fibers. This mimic the in vivo environment of the cultured cells that yields more cells and thus, secretes more factors. With proper growth conditions, MSCs divide to make new daughter cells and while doing so, these cells communicate via cytokines and contact-dependent signaling.

Cell-cell communication is rather important for MSC proliferation. Compared to traditional 2D culture systems where the area of growth is limited, BioNOC™ II ensures that this cell-cell communication happens. Cells can interact with one another and switches on a specific gene to secrete more extracellular matrix (ECM). At different densities, culture conditions and even cell types, cytokines secreted by MSCs can be altered to change its composition or creating products of a specific requirement.

BioNOC™ II is the heart of Tide Motion bioreactors. These bioreactors utilize the Tide Motion principle, which is the gentle upward and downward motion of the culture medium. Tide Motion bioreactor like TideCell®, performs 100% media exchange or perfusion mode suitable for CCM production. Through this method, cells can be kept inside the bioreactor for a longer period of time while they secrete cytokines. As cytokines are secreted in the culture medium, continuous harvesting of conditioned media can be done as fresh medium perfuses in.

The produced CCM can be integrated with the proprietary nano-encapsulating technology to achieve direct targeting and controlled release of factors. This encapsulation technology serves as a capsule for CCM factors, providing easy absorption of cytokines and release into the dermal layer. The encapsulated factors are then released once penetrated into the dermal layer, stimulating skin regeneration and renewal, thereby providing improved aesthetic effects when used in skincare.

Stem cell technology CCM revolutionize the skin science segment. It holds a promise to millions of users that there is beauty as we age.


  1. Amirthalingam, M. et. al. (2016). Stem Cell Derived Cosmetic Products: An overview. Manipal Journal of Medical Sciences (2016). Vol (1) Issue 2.
  2. Burton, J. (2017). Stem Cells. Retrieved from
  3. Dowling, P. et. al. (2011). Conditioned media from cell lines: A complementary model to clinical specimens for the discovery of disease-specific biomarkers. Proteomics 2011, 11, pp794-807. DOI: 10.1002/pmic.201000530
  4. John. (2011). Stem Cells and Skin Part 2: Its the Cytokines. Retrieved from
  5. Li, M. et. al. (2015). Mesenchymal stem-cell conditioned medium accelerates wound healing with fewer scars. International wound Journal ISSN 1742-4801. DOI: 10.111/iwj.12551
  6. Pawitan, J. (2014). Prospect of Stem Cell Conditioned Medium in Regenerative Medicine. BioMed Research International, Volume (2014), 14 pp. DOI: 10.1155/2014/965849

About Conditioned Media

Conditioned media is defined as the media obtained from a culture process. This media contains a huge number of secreted products by differentiating cells.  These products may be proteins that can be made into serum for cosmeceutical purpose.

About Tide Motion Bioreactors

Tide Motion pertains to the gentle oscillation of culture medium into and out of the matrix vessel that intermittently exposes the cells to aeration and nutrition. The upward oscillation exposes the cells to nutrition, while the downward oscillation exposes the cells to aeration. At the same time, this process washes away products and wastes. This oscillation produces no air bubbles and low shear stress. View a range of products at

About Esco VacciXcell

Esco VacciXcell is the bioprocessing division of Esco Group of Companies that specializes in the marketing and manufacturing of bioprocessing equipment for cell culture.

Esco VacciXcell provides turnkey manufacturing solutions using its proprietary Tide Motion™ technology to help developing nations to be self-sufficient in the manufacturing, storing, distribution, and administration of vaccines and other biologics, thus providing a complete solution from Discovery to Delivery. For more information on VacciXcell, please visit


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